. My Little Lily Bud: So I figure...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So I figure...

I might as well blog about what I'm going through if I'm going to be blogging again.

I'm at week 38 in my first pregnancy ever. To those that don't know, I'm carrying a girl and her name will be Lily Isabella Skelton. At least, unless we change our minds at the last minute, but I think it will stick :)

I'll admit, I'm a little bit nervous about giving birth. I've already opted on a natural birth, but I don't think I can have the same luxuries here in Alabama that I would have had in the birthing center in South Carolina. I'm really bummed, but it's alright I suppose. I'm a chicken when it comes to hospitals, so I was hoping that I could give birth anywhere BUT a hospital. Oh well... we'll have to see how it goes.

I should probably post pictures of my belly when I get the chance. It won't be there much longer ;)

I'm slacking in my artwork, though I have done a few things I'm proud of. I say I'm slacking because, although I've been drawing, I've been perfecting tiny things instead of making big large pieces. I've been preoccupied with preparing for Lily, anyway, so I guess it isn't too big of a deal. I've been working on... a tattoo design! Of a lily. Guess why? It should be obvious :P Sometime I plan on getting a lily tattoo to symbolize Lily on me. It'll be small and hidden, nothing major. Of course, it's all if I don't chicken out :P

In different news, Lucky had another litter. That's two in the time I've been pregnant with my one. Only three made it, but good lord I was surprised when she had five! She's so tiny!! But we found homes for two, and I really need to find a home for the third. Sadly, I am HOOKED on him. I don't know if I can give him up now :( Cute little Vulcan... But we don't need four cats! Heck, we don't really need any of them, but Lucky is well, lucky, and Tike reminds me of my late Apollo, and Grim is Joseph's... and Vulcan is a mini Grim but with big, adorable Lucky eyes. Argh! So confusing...

We'll figure it all out, though.

I think I'm planning on taking an entire year off of CC instead of the one semester. I really want Lily to breastfeed as long as possible and think that it would be easier to just take the year off instead of having to leave Lily behind after only a few months. We'll see what happens. I don't WANT to transfer, especially because I don't think I could afford it, but... we'll see.

Other than that, I think that's about it.

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