. My Little Lily Bud: I Have A Connection Now!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Have A Connection Now!

I've been without a decent internet connection for almost two weeks now, but I think it is remedied.  I have a lot to catch up on and hope to get that going as soon as possible!

 I apologize to anyone that has been waiting for posts, but they're coming!

Lily made a friend!


  1. Hi! I found you on Mom Blog Society. Nice to see another crunchy mama in the blogging word. I am following you on Facebook!


  2. Hi! I'm following you on G+ from one of the linkies somewhere. I don't see a linky followers or FB gadget anywhere or I would of followed you there =< - would LUV a follow back when you have a moment or 10 to stop by:

    http://GivingNSharing.blogspot (oh yeah - there is a Mega 3 day Cash Giveaway on this one!)

    Thanks! Tina 'the book lady'
